Post by Miss LeAnne on Nov 18, 2007 18:02:28 GMT -5
Domain Meeting called to order at 06:04 PM
Members in Attendance:
Timothy Howerton: DC/DST
Stephany Parker: ADC Lincoln
Jason Haynes: ADC WebTech
LeAnne Palmer: ADC Communications/Mage VST
Chelle Muth: ACD Charities Omaha/Finances
Chad Parker: Lincoln Requiem VST
John Floerky : Omaha Requiem VST
Martin Miller
Altaica Bailey
Scott Barnes
Fred Hartman
David Hoelscher
Jessye Howell
(due to air bubbles in my brain, if anyone else was there and not
listed please let me know and I will revise the list accordingly)
Issues Raised:
Communications has been an ongoin issue for this domain
- issues were not being properly directed to the root of
the problem by those involved.
- DIvision moungst officers and a lack of trust
- Be courtious but constructive
- Lack of regard for others schedules
Possible Resolutions:
- Use of a phone tree/list to disiminate information
- Scheudled Domain meetings at least once a month
- Scheudle on social a month
Game Schedules
Questions to be raised at an ST meeting:
- do we want to continue to schedule around
National/Regional events?
- Game cards/site fees?
Harassment issues
The question of harrassment was raised. It was suggested that
one or two points of contact be appointed by the DC to be available to
the members should they feel as of they are being harrassed so that
the situation can be addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.
Those appointments will be addressed later.
DC/DST Staff (s)
The DC will be determining the exact duties of the ADC's and
making a formal announcment as to is responsible for what. This will
include the above mentioned contacts in case of harassment.
DC Statements:
1) The DC apologized for the Scheduling Operating Instructions,
stating that is was supposed to be satire, and realized later that it
did not come across very well.
2) Stated he will be announcing the duties of all his ADC's with in
the next few weeks.
3) Will be working with the members and the ST staff to come up
with a more workable game schedule.
4) Has requested all the VST to post office hours to make contact
with the players/members more easily available.
Featured Game of the Month;
The domain of the Ashen Plains will be hosting the NC Regional
Featured Game of the Month for December on Saturday December 8th at
The Quality Inn Lincoln Airport. We will have two ball rooms, one
hotel room, and a soda station. Hotel rooms will be available for
those who need them at a discounted rate and all information will be
posted in the next couple of days.
DST Eclections are on going until Nov 30, votes should be sent to:
Kevin Gray at and
Chris Leeson at
or can be given in writting to
Stephanie Parker and Timothy Howerton.
If there are any revisions that need to be made this these please
contact please email me and I will make the appropriate changes.
Members in Attendance:
Timothy Howerton: DC/DST
Stephany Parker: ADC Lincoln
Jason Haynes: ADC WebTech
LeAnne Palmer: ADC Communications/Mage VST
Chelle Muth: ACD Charities Omaha/Finances
Chad Parker: Lincoln Requiem VST
John Floerky : Omaha Requiem VST
Martin Miller
Altaica Bailey
Scott Barnes
Fred Hartman
David Hoelscher
Jessye Howell
(due to air bubbles in my brain, if anyone else was there and not
listed please let me know and I will revise the list accordingly)
Issues Raised:
Communications has been an ongoin issue for this domain
- issues were not being properly directed to the root of
the problem by those involved.
- DIvision moungst officers and a lack of trust
- Be courtious but constructive
- Lack of regard for others schedules
Possible Resolutions:
- Use of a phone tree/list to disiminate information
- Scheudled Domain meetings at least once a month
- Scheudle on social a month
Game Schedules
Questions to be raised at an ST meeting:
- do we want to continue to schedule around
National/Regional events?
- Game cards/site fees?
Harassment issues
The question of harrassment was raised. It was suggested that
one or two points of contact be appointed by the DC to be available to
the members should they feel as of they are being harrassed so that
the situation can be addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.
Those appointments will be addressed later.
DC/DST Staff (s)
The DC will be determining the exact duties of the ADC's and
making a formal announcment as to is responsible for what. This will
include the above mentioned contacts in case of harassment.
DC Statements:
1) The DC apologized for the Scheduling Operating Instructions,
stating that is was supposed to be satire, and realized later that it
did not come across very well.
2) Stated he will be announcing the duties of all his ADC's with in
the next few weeks.
3) Will be working with the members and the ST staff to come up
with a more workable game schedule.
4) Has requested all the VST to post office hours to make contact
with the players/members more easily available.
Featured Game of the Month;
The domain of the Ashen Plains will be hosting the NC Regional
Featured Game of the Month for December on Saturday December 8th at
The Quality Inn Lincoln Airport. We will have two ball rooms, one
hotel room, and a soda station. Hotel rooms will be available for
those who need them at a discounted rate and all information will be
posted in the next couple of days.
DST Eclections are on going until Nov 30, votes should be sent to:
Kevin Gray at and
Chris Leeson at
or can be given in writting to
Stephanie Parker and Timothy Howerton.
If there are any revisions that need to be made this these please
contact please email me and I will make the appropriate changes.