Post by Timothy on Jul 21, 2007 13:01:59 GMT -5
Special Report: State of the Domain
Ashen Plains, NE-005-D, Omaha and Lincoln Nebraska, and Surrounding Area.
From the Office of the Domain Storyteller and Domain Coordinator,
Timothy Howerton, US2003041461
July 21, 2007
Distribution: Omaha-OOC list, Ashen Plains Proboards, Chris Leeson (NC RST), Greg Fitzsimmons (NC RC), and other copies as needed to ensure full dissemination to the Players of Ashen Plains
Players of Ashen Plains,
Normally when you think of a “state of” address, you think annual. That’s hard for a local level officer to do since our terms are only one year long; however, since my election as Domain Storyteller in October of last year, a lot has happened to our domain. Things have come and gone, changes have been enacted, and we are not exactly what we were even six months ago.
Therefore, this being the approximate nine-month mark of my holding the DST office, and approximately two months in on my term as DC, I thought it appropriate to take a look at where we were, where we are, and where we are heading. These are my perceptions and outlooks, based on the experiences I’ve had over the last year, and the things that I see coming toward us in the near future. It is a future that looks bright, provided we all move into that future together.
I apologize in advance should any of this offend anyone, as this is not my intention. Instead, I want it to be a little peek inside my head, to show you the things that I perceive, and to start frank dialogue as to what we are doing as a domain. If there are things you wish to discuss, you may do so publicly, or privately, as is your wish. My e-mail addresses are and If you want to be absolutely sure that no one else’s eyes will ever see what you write, however, (and this holds true for anything you ever send me), would be your best option. I will respond to any and all comments made concerning this address.
So Where Have We Been?
Many of you were not here when I took over for Altaica as DST. I inherited a wonderful opportunity, but also a domain that needed help. Under the surface, I could feel a bit of tension between the “factions”: the old Lincoln crew and the Omaha crew. Sometimes, it was palpable. Still, we carried on as a domain, compromising where we could, and Altaica did a good job of facilitating this. For all that Altaica did to help this domain and make it what it was, though, there was, as there always is, a great potential for new friends, good times, and stories we could talk about for years to come. I wanted to be a part of that.
Following ICC, I was fortunate enough that the first thing I really got to preside over was a Regional Featured Game of the Month. For those of you who were not there, we rented out a conference room at the DoubleTree Hotel downtown. Awakening and Requiem were the order of the day, with a charity auction in between. The results were amazing. The VSTs worked their butts off for the plots of the day, the culmination (or attempt at culmination) of an ongoing mage plotline was enjoyed by a majority of those in attendance, out-of- towners included, and requiem treated us to a midnight mass, the execution of a menace to the vampires and their feeding grounds, and the socio-political repercussions thereof. Topping it off was the fact that we raised in excess of $500 (the exact number escapes me, but I know it was at least that much) for charity and the region off items that each player put together, donated, or offered for the good of the domain. We had expected maybe a couple hundred.
What this showed us was that this domain was willing and able, even in that dreaded season before Thanksgiving, when numbers and energy start to droop, to do something good and memorable. This was only done through communication, a sense of cooperation, and that bond of mutual interest and friendship that we as Camarilla members share.
This was so successful, that we decided we wanted to see even more of each other. In December, with coordination with the ST staff, we announced that there were no games to be held. Instead we would get together for socials, dubbed “get a life month”. Once again, this was what I would consider a great success. Despite a drawing down of numbers, those who participated in the function gave it their all, much to the enjoyment of everyone involved. The talk then was of doing such a thing every year; a chance to unwind, relax, and spend the holiday with what many of us consider our second family.
These months weren’t completely sunshine and happiness, however. December saw the closing of the Lincoln chapter after a few months of struggling along, as well as my first big failure here: the Mortals Venue (for which I still apologize profusely to the players). Players move away, real life happens, and interest wanes, and despite our best efforts, these things became the casualties. Still, it was nothing that would be a deal breaker, and the group we had continued on, determined to enjoy the game we all have in common.
Everything moved along wonderfully, until February/mid March. Waning interest in the Forsaken game, some discontent in the Awakening venue, and an epidemic of miscommunications, misunderstandings, and various personal issues started to crop up. It was nothing that we couldn’t get past, but it set the tone for what was to be an interesting next few months. Here is when the first rumblings came about storytelling styles. We tried to open up lines of communication, resolutions, and other ways for these rumblings to be resolved and gotten out in the open, but for the most part these were to no avail. Directed at player and storyteller alike, I heard problems that would have blindsided those about whom the problems were raised. It is my honest opinion that it would be these types of problems (not the resolution or lack thereof, mind you) that contributed greatly to the outcome of the mage elections in May.
This was also the point where I got my first deployment. Scott did as wonderful a job as he could in covering for me, and I was on IRC and in constant communication to ensure that nothing got missed, and no one got neglected. However, it was blatantly clear that I was missed in my position, both out of character, and in character. (It was about this time that the real screaming for a seneschal came from the Requiem venue. ) Still, with the help of my staff, and a little communication, we got through it.
In May, the Air Force threw me for another loop, sending me almost immediately on my return from deployment on another two week trip. In my absence (both in deployment and my subsequent trip), the Awakening VST elections were held, and few people voted. Nine players voted (including the candidates), and by the narrowest of margins, LeAnne was elected as the new VST. The connotations to this vote were interesting to say the least.
What we had was a situation where people were unhappy with the old storyteller’s style, and in that looked to someone else to be able to do the job. Some were unhappy, but felt that switching horses would be inherently detrimental to the game. Some didn’t vote at all, for their own reasons.
No matter what the story was before, whether people tried to talk to the old ST, whether those attempts were never made, really no one can say with anything but speculation. Everyone who was around knows what their place was in it, and at the end of the day we had a new VST who was inexperienced storytelling in the new system, but full of energy, a willingness to help the players, and an understanding that perhaps she didn’t know everything, but would try to learn.
This time was not without its good points, however. As if awakened by some unseen force, players started returning in force. Most of you, I didn’t know before, but I was anxious for the opportunity to meet you all, play with you, and expand that social circle to include new and interesting people. What a great opportunity before us to finally grow and have the game we want, showing the region that Omaha and Lincoln are excellent places to game and hang out! The possibilities, especially with the energy displayed by many of the members, were endless.
Here is where we came to the issue of the Domain Coordinator. Jessye, feeling frustrated and ready to be a normal player again, declared that she would not re-run for DC. This was in March. Due to the change-over of the Regional Coordinator, it was carried on and on until May. At the time, no one expressed interest in being the DC, and Jessye had done a wonderful job with organizational skills…who could really replace her? Rather than see things fall by the wayside, I decided to throw in for DC. When I told Jessye of my decision, she warned me against holding both positions at once. Still, there’s no rule against it, and the domain needed someone in that position. I could not, however, in good conscience, take both positions, resting the seat of power for both sides of the house in one person, without discussing it with the players I would be affecting first, especially knowing what I knew. I announced that in mid June, I would be deploying again, this time to the desert, and that I would be gone for at least 60 days.
I discussed this with everyone I could. I myself raised the concerns of an absent DST, absent DC, and an absent Prince. I offered to step down from DST if it was needed. I offered to step down from praxis if needed (and a good story could be found). I placed everything, including the uncertainty of deployments, down at the feet of the domain. In a show of support that made me feel warm and gooey inside, the players allowed me to serve them in all those capacities. This is something of which I am greatly proud, and for which I am thankful to you all.
Alongside this, the astounding drive of the new Lincoln players continued pounding away at some of the core ideals in our club. Socials were organized. Charity work, until the end of the year, was decided on and enacted. People got together and were excited to play and meet the new challenges of the next year, and best of all, they wanted to bring their friends! Cammies old and new were in the works, not just in Lincoln, but in Omaha, as if spring had brought a rebirth of sorts. I’d never really seen anything like it.
And now here we are today. Through all of this time, I have preached communication and friendship, for without these, our domain and our club are nothing. I have tried to talk to each of you personally; I’ve spent my time, as much as I can, between all of my club friends. We’ve set up boards, lists, and websites to help each other keep in touch and communicate. We try to involve everyone in every decision that involves the club. We try to keep things at the lowest level for ease, and support when something has to go up higher. (In fact, if you ask, for the most part my VSTs will tell you that no outsider messes with a member of my domain and gets away with it!) Still, there is the perception of a Lincoln vs. Omaha battle. Some of the newer players are feeling slighted, some of the older players are feeling slighted in turn. Conflicts are popping up, favoritism is being perceived, and the turmoil is mounting, even if at present it is under the surface. Still, we are coming together slowly through all of this, and through the things we are doing right, we are changing for the better.
So Where Does This Leave Us As Of July 21, 2007?
Here are some (very) raw stats and perceptions:
- Between Omaha and Lincoln, we have 31 players (as of the last report), and are growing. Six of these 31 are currently unaccounted for in the reports, but they are there.
- Socials are up, and in a pretty big way. We recently had a huge one for families and members that was a great success. There are more scheduled as the summer wears on, and we’re still planning on having another social month in December. If there’s one thing we seem to do really well, it’s get together and party.
- Our charity work is good, but could be better. In Lincoln, as mentioned earlier, a service and a donation drive are scheduled from here until the end of the year. In Omaha, several other donation drives have been announced, with some service drives and fundraisers being looked at. The regional drives are getting reported to the domain as a whole. Even with this, for the domain as a whole, our charities are being carried by a few people here and there (or at least that’s what I’m getting reported). Though charities aren’t mandatory, they are wonderful chances for us to do something for the community, and an excuse to go to the local 24-hour coffee/gamer hut afterward.
- We’ve managed to come to a deal with a costumer for a discount on costuming from that shop. It may not be a whole lot, but someone worked hard to get that for us, and it’s a start. More on this will be announced later.
- MCs are steadily rising. We have several members at MC 9, many more at MC 6, and new members are being given the support required to begin rising as high as they want. Between charity work, game site inputs, and ordeals, lots of opportunities exist to bridge the “MC gap” that we have. However, that gap does currently exist, and it is seen a bit in the venues. There has been expressed frustration at this MC gap, for which there really is no cure at the moment, save attempting to help the lower MCs increase.
- We have two of the sanctioned five venues, with a third venue teetering back and forth between interest and apathy. I am currently the DST. My term ends in October.
- Requiem enjoys the most players currently. Being the most active venue, the potential for plotlines is there, but it also comes with the curse of having a variety of play styles for which we must account. New AVSTs have been recently appointed, but there seems to be some communication issues that are causing consternation. Talk has gone to a proposed new VSS for Lincoln, as travel to Omaha is not always convenient, it would help with recruiting (two expressed interest in joining if there were a “local” Lincoln game), and other disagreements in storytelling style.
Chelle Muth is currently the VST. Her term ends in October.
- Awakening is continuing steady, but has been seeing a falling attendance of late. Problems with previous storylines, adjusting to a new VST, and other issues seem to be contributing to this. Communication is at a low point. The VST, as noted above, has a wonderful imagination, and entered with an enthusiasm, but needs help with the rules as she is new.
LeAnne Palmer is currently the VST. Her term ends in May 2008.
-Forsaken, closed for lack of interest, saw a brief spot of renewal, but life issues and communication interfered again, causing a lull in its rebirth. Currently I’m told, Don has interest in running it, but only two players have gone to him expressing interest in playing. Again, communication issues are present, with a twinge of apathy.
- Mortals was closed earlier this year after I handed it off to Jessye for my inability to run it due to time and priorities. For the same reasons, Jessye stepped down and no one took her place. Recently, Chris O’Neil has been trying to get a series of troupe one-shot games going, with minimal success.
-Promethean was resoundingly defeated by the player base when it was suggested as a new venue. A couple of players have asked about it, but the majority of players seem to have no interest in it.
- Changeling is drawing some buzz from the players, but is on hold until we actually have books.
- Education within the club is currently non-existent. I place the blame squarely on myself for this.
- We have an out of character Omaha list, a proboard, and a cam-wiki site now. Attempts at a newsletter have been semi-successful as it comes out irregularly, due to life issues and a lack of submissions. All VSTs have an appropriate e-mail address (i.e., as does the DST and DC. For all of this, communication, as addressed above, is at a very low point. I’m unsure as to the reason for this, as we have set several avenues for players to bring problems ranging from personal issues to style issues, from questions to concerns about the staff. Not everyone is consistently net accessible, and this part is understood. Also, real life happens, and this is understood. Still, the rumor mill flows, and rumblings, rumint, and rants reach out, even as far as a deployed desert location.
It’s not all doom and gloom though, despite what the last paragraph and some of the preceding words may indicate. We are enthusiastic and want to help, but we seem to get frustrated, and my absence in the last couple of months hasn’t helped. The potentials for friendships are still there, and some lasting bonds have already been made. We are in the habit of helping each other out, outside of the club, when we need it. We are trying, as a group, to get over the initial group dynamics and figure out where we are and what we are doing. Rest assured, as DST, DC, player, whatever I am and whatever I become, I want to help with that. I greatly value the relationships this club has given me, and I hope to continue to foster and groom those.
So Where Are We Going?
That question is entirely up to the domain. We have some problems to work on, and there are some people who are not currently part of the solution. Whether they wish to be is up to them, but I know that this club would be greatly enriched by their presences. Communication, compromise, and cooperation are going to have to be the watchwords for us if we are going to take this domain to where it can be.
The featured game of the month inspired me last November. With enough planning, I know we can hold another exceptional regional event, and perhaps even a regional or national convention. We aren’t ready for that yet, as we have a lot we need to get together, but it’s never too early to plan for it. If we can get this together, I see us being competitive for such events in the future.
The socials are encouraging. I see the domain growing and older players mentoring newer players to a new understanding and enjoyment of the game. We can do this, if we can get past some of the frustration and work with each other to this end. There are vast friendships to be had if we take a minute to understand each other and figure out who it is we play with, and how we can enjoy playing with them.
If we continue our energy toward charity, we can become the best charity force within this region. I’d love nothing more than to see our communities smile when they think of our club, instead of the instant reaction that we get in most places (we had a group that denied us fundraiser assistance because they didn’t want to be affiliated with the Camarilla!).
All of this needs work and understanding. All of this, needs all of us.
Final Thoughts
So where does this leave me? I’ve been proud to serve as your DST and DC. It’s been rough of late, and very frustrating at times, if nothing else because I cannot be with you. You deserve to have a DST/DC who is there to talk with you and to whom you can bring your problems. Over the last year, I’ve thought many times about resigning, quitting the club, and throwing in the towel. The frustration sometimes gets to that level, dealing with regional, dealing with local, and dealing with problems that seem like they could be handled if we looked at it as adults. I’ve asked several times what would happen if I just walked away. The domain would go on, I know that. You all would continue on, and the sun would come out tomorrow. But I know what I would lose by walking away. I know the duty that I have to the club. Thus, I continue doing what I can in service to this domain, however, and will continue to do so. I don’t have to be in a position for that. I can be a player and change this club for the better (and so can you, by the way!). And I remember why I do this: I do these jobs to serve you. I’m in this club to be with you. I’ve often said “it’s all about me”, but it’s not really, is it? It’s all about us. “Us” is why I don’t quit.
But I can’t help the feeling that I have failed. Perhaps you think I have. Perhaps you are telling me I’m crazy, and, for those who really know me, you think that I’m letting my guilt complex get the best of me again. Perhaps you think it’s my arrogance talking. Even so, at least on the club side of it, I am the leader. Everything that happens under me, whether I know about it or not, is my responsibility. It means that I have to set an example, that I have to use everything I can to facilitate and guide, and that I have to manage what goes on in the domain. If something goes wrong then, naturally, I always wonder what I could have done to keep this from happening. I wonder constantly what more I can do, sometimes to the point of stretching myself too thin. Even when I have given my all, if it is not enough, I have failed.
I realize that there will always be something not quite perfect. There is always something on which we can improve. There are always people who will do some aspects of the job better than others. There are always choices that we make that are not the best. Still, we do what we feel is right, and that’s all we can ask.
There are three more months left in my term as DST, and honestly, I don’t know that I will run again. I don’t know that you would want me to do so. I don’t know if you will see my year as good, bad, or mediocre, no matter the outcome. All I know is that I have three months left, and that those three months must be devoted to you, the players, as I have attempted to do for the last nine.
To all of my friends, I bid you a good evening.
Timothy Howerton
DST: Ashen Plains (NE-005-D)
DC: Ashen Plains (NE-005-D)
Ashen Plains, NE-005-D, Omaha and Lincoln Nebraska, and Surrounding Area.
From the Office of the Domain Storyteller and Domain Coordinator,
Timothy Howerton, US2003041461
July 21, 2007
Distribution: Omaha-OOC list, Ashen Plains Proboards, Chris Leeson (NC RST), Greg Fitzsimmons (NC RC), and other copies as needed to ensure full dissemination to the Players of Ashen Plains
Players of Ashen Plains,
Normally when you think of a “state of” address, you think annual. That’s hard for a local level officer to do since our terms are only one year long; however, since my election as Domain Storyteller in October of last year, a lot has happened to our domain. Things have come and gone, changes have been enacted, and we are not exactly what we were even six months ago.
Therefore, this being the approximate nine-month mark of my holding the DST office, and approximately two months in on my term as DC, I thought it appropriate to take a look at where we were, where we are, and where we are heading. These are my perceptions and outlooks, based on the experiences I’ve had over the last year, and the things that I see coming toward us in the near future. It is a future that looks bright, provided we all move into that future together.
I apologize in advance should any of this offend anyone, as this is not my intention. Instead, I want it to be a little peek inside my head, to show you the things that I perceive, and to start frank dialogue as to what we are doing as a domain. If there are things you wish to discuss, you may do so publicly, or privately, as is your wish. My e-mail addresses are and If you want to be absolutely sure that no one else’s eyes will ever see what you write, however, (and this holds true for anything you ever send me), would be your best option. I will respond to any and all comments made concerning this address.
So Where Have We Been?
Many of you were not here when I took over for Altaica as DST. I inherited a wonderful opportunity, but also a domain that needed help. Under the surface, I could feel a bit of tension between the “factions”: the old Lincoln crew and the Omaha crew. Sometimes, it was palpable. Still, we carried on as a domain, compromising where we could, and Altaica did a good job of facilitating this. For all that Altaica did to help this domain and make it what it was, though, there was, as there always is, a great potential for new friends, good times, and stories we could talk about for years to come. I wanted to be a part of that.
Following ICC, I was fortunate enough that the first thing I really got to preside over was a Regional Featured Game of the Month. For those of you who were not there, we rented out a conference room at the DoubleTree Hotel downtown. Awakening and Requiem were the order of the day, with a charity auction in between. The results were amazing. The VSTs worked their butts off for the plots of the day, the culmination (or attempt at culmination) of an ongoing mage plotline was enjoyed by a majority of those in attendance, out-of- towners included, and requiem treated us to a midnight mass, the execution of a menace to the vampires and their feeding grounds, and the socio-political repercussions thereof. Topping it off was the fact that we raised in excess of $500 (the exact number escapes me, but I know it was at least that much) for charity and the region off items that each player put together, donated, or offered for the good of the domain. We had expected maybe a couple hundred.
What this showed us was that this domain was willing and able, even in that dreaded season before Thanksgiving, when numbers and energy start to droop, to do something good and memorable. This was only done through communication, a sense of cooperation, and that bond of mutual interest and friendship that we as Camarilla members share.
This was so successful, that we decided we wanted to see even more of each other. In December, with coordination with the ST staff, we announced that there were no games to be held. Instead we would get together for socials, dubbed “get a life month”. Once again, this was what I would consider a great success. Despite a drawing down of numbers, those who participated in the function gave it their all, much to the enjoyment of everyone involved. The talk then was of doing such a thing every year; a chance to unwind, relax, and spend the holiday with what many of us consider our second family.
These months weren’t completely sunshine and happiness, however. December saw the closing of the Lincoln chapter after a few months of struggling along, as well as my first big failure here: the Mortals Venue (for which I still apologize profusely to the players). Players move away, real life happens, and interest wanes, and despite our best efforts, these things became the casualties. Still, it was nothing that would be a deal breaker, and the group we had continued on, determined to enjoy the game we all have in common.
Everything moved along wonderfully, until February/mid March. Waning interest in the Forsaken game, some discontent in the Awakening venue, and an epidemic of miscommunications, misunderstandings, and various personal issues started to crop up. It was nothing that we couldn’t get past, but it set the tone for what was to be an interesting next few months. Here is when the first rumblings came about storytelling styles. We tried to open up lines of communication, resolutions, and other ways for these rumblings to be resolved and gotten out in the open, but for the most part these were to no avail. Directed at player and storyteller alike, I heard problems that would have blindsided those about whom the problems were raised. It is my honest opinion that it would be these types of problems (not the resolution or lack thereof, mind you) that contributed greatly to the outcome of the mage elections in May.
This was also the point where I got my first deployment. Scott did as wonderful a job as he could in covering for me, and I was on IRC and in constant communication to ensure that nothing got missed, and no one got neglected. However, it was blatantly clear that I was missed in my position, both out of character, and in character. (It was about this time that the real screaming for a seneschal came from the Requiem venue. ) Still, with the help of my staff, and a little communication, we got through it.
In May, the Air Force threw me for another loop, sending me almost immediately on my return from deployment on another two week trip. In my absence (both in deployment and my subsequent trip), the Awakening VST elections were held, and few people voted. Nine players voted (including the candidates), and by the narrowest of margins, LeAnne was elected as the new VST. The connotations to this vote were interesting to say the least.
What we had was a situation where people were unhappy with the old storyteller’s style, and in that looked to someone else to be able to do the job. Some were unhappy, but felt that switching horses would be inherently detrimental to the game. Some didn’t vote at all, for their own reasons.
No matter what the story was before, whether people tried to talk to the old ST, whether those attempts were never made, really no one can say with anything but speculation. Everyone who was around knows what their place was in it, and at the end of the day we had a new VST who was inexperienced storytelling in the new system, but full of energy, a willingness to help the players, and an understanding that perhaps she didn’t know everything, but would try to learn.
This time was not without its good points, however. As if awakened by some unseen force, players started returning in force. Most of you, I didn’t know before, but I was anxious for the opportunity to meet you all, play with you, and expand that social circle to include new and interesting people. What a great opportunity before us to finally grow and have the game we want, showing the region that Omaha and Lincoln are excellent places to game and hang out! The possibilities, especially with the energy displayed by many of the members, were endless.
Here is where we came to the issue of the Domain Coordinator. Jessye, feeling frustrated and ready to be a normal player again, declared that she would not re-run for DC. This was in March. Due to the change-over of the Regional Coordinator, it was carried on and on until May. At the time, no one expressed interest in being the DC, and Jessye had done a wonderful job with organizational skills…who could really replace her? Rather than see things fall by the wayside, I decided to throw in for DC. When I told Jessye of my decision, she warned me against holding both positions at once. Still, there’s no rule against it, and the domain needed someone in that position. I could not, however, in good conscience, take both positions, resting the seat of power for both sides of the house in one person, without discussing it with the players I would be affecting first, especially knowing what I knew. I announced that in mid June, I would be deploying again, this time to the desert, and that I would be gone for at least 60 days.
I discussed this with everyone I could. I myself raised the concerns of an absent DST, absent DC, and an absent Prince. I offered to step down from DST if it was needed. I offered to step down from praxis if needed (and a good story could be found). I placed everything, including the uncertainty of deployments, down at the feet of the domain. In a show of support that made me feel warm and gooey inside, the players allowed me to serve them in all those capacities. This is something of which I am greatly proud, and for which I am thankful to you all.
Alongside this, the astounding drive of the new Lincoln players continued pounding away at some of the core ideals in our club. Socials were organized. Charity work, until the end of the year, was decided on and enacted. People got together and were excited to play and meet the new challenges of the next year, and best of all, they wanted to bring their friends! Cammies old and new were in the works, not just in Lincoln, but in Omaha, as if spring had brought a rebirth of sorts. I’d never really seen anything like it.
And now here we are today. Through all of this time, I have preached communication and friendship, for without these, our domain and our club are nothing. I have tried to talk to each of you personally; I’ve spent my time, as much as I can, between all of my club friends. We’ve set up boards, lists, and websites to help each other keep in touch and communicate. We try to involve everyone in every decision that involves the club. We try to keep things at the lowest level for ease, and support when something has to go up higher. (In fact, if you ask, for the most part my VSTs will tell you that no outsider messes with a member of my domain and gets away with it!) Still, there is the perception of a Lincoln vs. Omaha battle. Some of the newer players are feeling slighted, some of the older players are feeling slighted in turn. Conflicts are popping up, favoritism is being perceived, and the turmoil is mounting, even if at present it is under the surface. Still, we are coming together slowly through all of this, and through the things we are doing right, we are changing for the better.
So Where Does This Leave Us As Of July 21, 2007?
Here are some (very) raw stats and perceptions:
- Between Omaha and Lincoln, we have 31 players (as of the last report), and are growing. Six of these 31 are currently unaccounted for in the reports, but they are there.
- Socials are up, and in a pretty big way. We recently had a huge one for families and members that was a great success. There are more scheduled as the summer wears on, and we’re still planning on having another social month in December. If there’s one thing we seem to do really well, it’s get together and party.
- Our charity work is good, but could be better. In Lincoln, as mentioned earlier, a service and a donation drive are scheduled from here until the end of the year. In Omaha, several other donation drives have been announced, with some service drives and fundraisers being looked at. The regional drives are getting reported to the domain as a whole. Even with this, for the domain as a whole, our charities are being carried by a few people here and there (or at least that’s what I’m getting reported). Though charities aren’t mandatory, they are wonderful chances for us to do something for the community, and an excuse to go to the local 24-hour coffee/gamer hut afterward.
- We’ve managed to come to a deal with a costumer for a discount on costuming from that shop. It may not be a whole lot, but someone worked hard to get that for us, and it’s a start. More on this will be announced later.
- MCs are steadily rising. We have several members at MC 9, many more at MC 6, and new members are being given the support required to begin rising as high as they want. Between charity work, game site inputs, and ordeals, lots of opportunities exist to bridge the “MC gap” that we have. However, that gap does currently exist, and it is seen a bit in the venues. There has been expressed frustration at this MC gap, for which there really is no cure at the moment, save attempting to help the lower MCs increase.
- We have two of the sanctioned five venues, with a third venue teetering back and forth between interest and apathy. I am currently the DST. My term ends in October.
- Requiem enjoys the most players currently. Being the most active venue, the potential for plotlines is there, but it also comes with the curse of having a variety of play styles for which we must account. New AVSTs have been recently appointed, but there seems to be some communication issues that are causing consternation. Talk has gone to a proposed new VSS for Lincoln, as travel to Omaha is not always convenient, it would help with recruiting (two expressed interest in joining if there were a “local” Lincoln game), and other disagreements in storytelling style.
Chelle Muth is currently the VST. Her term ends in October.
- Awakening is continuing steady, but has been seeing a falling attendance of late. Problems with previous storylines, adjusting to a new VST, and other issues seem to be contributing to this. Communication is at a low point. The VST, as noted above, has a wonderful imagination, and entered with an enthusiasm, but needs help with the rules as she is new.
LeAnne Palmer is currently the VST. Her term ends in May 2008.
-Forsaken, closed for lack of interest, saw a brief spot of renewal, but life issues and communication interfered again, causing a lull in its rebirth. Currently I’m told, Don has interest in running it, but only two players have gone to him expressing interest in playing. Again, communication issues are present, with a twinge of apathy.
- Mortals was closed earlier this year after I handed it off to Jessye for my inability to run it due to time and priorities. For the same reasons, Jessye stepped down and no one took her place. Recently, Chris O’Neil has been trying to get a series of troupe one-shot games going, with minimal success.
-Promethean was resoundingly defeated by the player base when it was suggested as a new venue. A couple of players have asked about it, but the majority of players seem to have no interest in it.
- Changeling is drawing some buzz from the players, but is on hold until we actually have books.
- Education within the club is currently non-existent. I place the blame squarely on myself for this.
- We have an out of character Omaha list, a proboard, and a cam-wiki site now. Attempts at a newsletter have been semi-successful as it comes out irregularly, due to life issues and a lack of submissions. All VSTs have an appropriate e-mail address (i.e., as does the DST and DC. For all of this, communication, as addressed above, is at a very low point. I’m unsure as to the reason for this, as we have set several avenues for players to bring problems ranging from personal issues to style issues, from questions to concerns about the staff. Not everyone is consistently net accessible, and this part is understood. Also, real life happens, and this is understood. Still, the rumor mill flows, and rumblings, rumint, and rants reach out, even as far as a deployed desert location.
It’s not all doom and gloom though, despite what the last paragraph and some of the preceding words may indicate. We are enthusiastic and want to help, but we seem to get frustrated, and my absence in the last couple of months hasn’t helped. The potentials for friendships are still there, and some lasting bonds have already been made. We are in the habit of helping each other out, outside of the club, when we need it. We are trying, as a group, to get over the initial group dynamics and figure out where we are and what we are doing. Rest assured, as DST, DC, player, whatever I am and whatever I become, I want to help with that. I greatly value the relationships this club has given me, and I hope to continue to foster and groom those.
So Where Are We Going?
That question is entirely up to the domain. We have some problems to work on, and there are some people who are not currently part of the solution. Whether they wish to be is up to them, but I know that this club would be greatly enriched by their presences. Communication, compromise, and cooperation are going to have to be the watchwords for us if we are going to take this domain to where it can be.
The featured game of the month inspired me last November. With enough planning, I know we can hold another exceptional regional event, and perhaps even a regional or national convention. We aren’t ready for that yet, as we have a lot we need to get together, but it’s never too early to plan for it. If we can get this together, I see us being competitive for such events in the future.
The socials are encouraging. I see the domain growing and older players mentoring newer players to a new understanding and enjoyment of the game. We can do this, if we can get past some of the frustration and work with each other to this end. There are vast friendships to be had if we take a minute to understand each other and figure out who it is we play with, and how we can enjoy playing with them.
If we continue our energy toward charity, we can become the best charity force within this region. I’d love nothing more than to see our communities smile when they think of our club, instead of the instant reaction that we get in most places (we had a group that denied us fundraiser assistance because they didn’t want to be affiliated with the Camarilla!).
All of this needs work and understanding. All of this, needs all of us.
Final Thoughts
So where does this leave me? I’ve been proud to serve as your DST and DC. It’s been rough of late, and very frustrating at times, if nothing else because I cannot be with you. You deserve to have a DST/DC who is there to talk with you and to whom you can bring your problems. Over the last year, I’ve thought many times about resigning, quitting the club, and throwing in the towel. The frustration sometimes gets to that level, dealing with regional, dealing with local, and dealing with problems that seem like they could be handled if we looked at it as adults. I’ve asked several times what would happen if I just walked away. The domain would go on, I know that. You all would continue on, and the sun would come out tomorrow. But I know what I would lose by walking away. I know the duty that I have to the club. Thus, I continue doing what I can in service to this domain, however, and will continue to do so. I don’t have to be in a position for that. I can be a player and change this club for the better (and so can you, by the way!). And I remember why I do this: I do these jobs to serve you. I’m in this club to be with you. I’ve often said “it’s all about me”, but it’s not really, is it? It’s all about us. “Us” is why I don’t quit.
But I can’t help the feeling that I have failed. Perhaps you think I have. Perhaps you are telling me I’m crazy, and, for those who really know me, you think that I’m letting my guilt complex get the best of me again. Perhaps you think it’s my arrogance talking. Even so, at least on the club side of it, I am the leader. Everything that happens under me, whether I know about it or not, is my responsibility. It means that I have to set an example, that I have to use everything I can to facilitate and guide, and that I have to manage what goes on in the domain. If something goes wrong then, naturally, I always wonder what I could have done to keep this from happening. I wonder constantly what more I can do, sometimes to the point of stretching myself too thin. Even when I have given my all, if it is not enough, I have failed.
I realize that there will always be something not quite perfect. There is always something on which we can improve. There are always people who will do some aspects of the job better than others. There are always choices that we make that are not the best. Still, we do what we feel is right, and that’s all we can ask.
There are three more months left in my term as DST, and honestly, I don’t know that I will run again. I don’t know that you would want me to do so. I don’t know if you will see my year as good, bad, or mediocre, no matter the outcome. All I know is that I have three months left, and that those three months must be devoted to you, the players, as I have attempted to do for the last nine.
To all of my friends, I bid you a good evening.
Timothy Howerton
DST: Ashen Plains (NE-005-D)
DC: Ashen Plains (NE-005-D)